Workshop 2021
by Jordi Galí and Vania Vaneau
Developing collaborative strategies, aimed at groups that have already been formed, or at people who need to work together on joint projects.
With CACTUS we want to use the resources and knowledge of our artistic practices to tackle thorny issues:
_ how to better understand working together ;
_ how to become aware of what activates collective work, what makes us move forward or what holds us back ;
_ and how to create positive collective dynamics to better deal with collaborative situations.
CACTUS is a life-size construction workshop for a group of people who are already together or who will be working together in the future, and who want to come together around a shared, sensitive and creative experience, outside of everyday time.
Over the course of a day, the group is invited to design and carry out a collective objective: to build an ephemeral, monumental structure together.
Our aim with CACTUS is to provide a playful, creative context, sensitive support and a range of creative tools so that the group can initiate and carry out this joint project on their own. Our aim is to generate a situation of collective, autonomous and balanced participation, but also to raise awareness of the difficulties that such a process generates.
During one day, the group is invited to design and carry out a collective objective: to build together an ephemeral and monumental construction.
With CACTUS, we want to offer a playful and creative context, sensitive support and a range of creative tools so that the group can initiate and carry out this joint project on its own. The aim is to generate a situation of collective, autonomous and balanced participation, but also to allow an awareness of the difficulties that such a process generates.